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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence- Calendar of Events

Writer's picture: Diálogo SocialDiálogo Social

Calendar of Events

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Starting on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the campaign for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence begins, culminating on December 10 with the celebration of International Human Rights Day.

Press the image to see the Calendar of Events 2022 of the campaign of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence of the Social Work Professionals Association of Puerto Rico.

As every year, The Social Dialogue participates in this campaign with various events. This year we want to highlight two events in particular: the forum "Gender-Based Violence and Functional Diversity"; and the Special Program "Gender-Based Violence in Political Spaces" with the special appearance of former Senator Zoé Laboy, former PIP Secretary of Women’s Affairs, and the Ivonne Lozada, Vice President of the Puerto Rico Bar Association, also Executive Director of The Social Dialogue. Thank you for your support. We hope you enjoy our events.



All our events will be transmitted in Spanish in our web page and in Facebook Live



  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 10:00am

The Role of Sense of Survival and Fear in Investigation and Prosecution Process

  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 10:00am

Finding hope in the courts

  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 7:00pm

Women, Faith and Gender-Based Violence

  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 7:00pm

Working with the Perpetrator

  • Miércoles, 30 de noviembre, 7:00 p.m.

  • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 10:00am

Complex Trauma Survivors

  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 10:00am

Cyberbullying in the Context of Gender-Based Violence

  • MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 7:00pm

Sexual Violence Clinical Evaluation and Intervention

  • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 7:00pm

Economic Violence: a type of invisible abuse


Anfiteatro Muñiz Souffront, Universidad Ana G. Méndez, Recinto de Cupey

FORUM (Presencial-hybrid)

Gender-Based Violence and Functional Diversity



-Prof. Karen Vázquez Cheverez, Psicóloga

-Dr. Carol Salas, Directora Ejecutiva, Instituto de Deficiencia en el Desarrollo, UPR


-Dr. Evelyza Crespo Rivera, Decana de División de Artes Liberales, Vicepresidencia de Asuntos Académicos, UAGM

  • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 7:00pm

Special Event (virtual)

Gender-Based Violence in Political Spaces



-Zoé Laboy, Abogada, Ex Senadora

-Edda López, Ex Secretaria de Asuntos de la Mujer del PIP

-Ivonne Lozada, Abogada, Vicepresidenta del Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de PR


-Yanira Hernández Cabiya, Periodista, Directora de la Escuela de Comunicaciones, Universidad Interamericana, Recinto de Bayamón



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